Data protection
Novum Asset Management AG has a data protection representative in the EU as a point of contact with supervisory authorities and data subjects in accordance with Art. 27 GDPR:
Privacy Advisor
Information on data protection can be found on our Privacy Policy subpage.
EU Dispute Resolution
In accordance with the Regulation on Online Dispute Resolution in Consumer Matters (ODR Regulation), we would like to inform you about the online dispute resolution platform (OS platform).
Consumers have the option of submitting complaints to the European Commission’s online dispute resolution platform at You will find the necessary contact details above in our imprint.
However, we would like to point out that we are not willing or obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.
Duty to inform according to § 5 TMG
Novum Asset Management AG
Gewerbeweg 9 | FL- 9490 Vaduz
Tel: +423 230 06 36
Liability for the contents of this website
We are constantly developing the content of this website and strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information. According to the German Telemedia Act (TMG) §7 (1), we as a service provider are responsible for our own information, which we provide for use, according to the general laws. Unfortunately, we cannot assume any liability for the correctness of all contents on this website, especially for those provided by third parties. As a service provider in the sense of §§ 8 to 10, we are not obliged to monitor the information transmitted or stored by them or to investigate circumstances that indicate illegal activity.
Our obligations to remove information or to block the use of information according to the general laws due to judicial or official orders remain unaffected even in the case of our non-responsibility according to §§ 8 to 10.
If you notice any problematic or illegal content, please contact us immediately so that we can remove the illegal content. You can find the contact details in the imprint.
Liability for links on this website
Our website contains links to other websites for whose content we are not responsible. We are not liable for linked websites, as we had and have no knowledge of illegal activities, we have not noticed any such illegalities so far and we would remove links immediately if we became aware of any illegalities. If you notice any illegal links on our website, please contact us. You can find the contact details in the imprint.
Picture credits
The images, photos and graphics on this website are protected by copyright.
The image rights are held by the following photographers and companies: vum Asset Management AG
Participation Policy
The “Novum Asset Management AG” asset management company (hereinafter referred to as the “company”) is covered by the term “asset manager” according to Art. 367a item 3 of the Liechtenstein Persons and Companies Act (PGR) and must therefore describe its participation policy within the meaning of Art. 367h PGR.
- The company does not exercise any shareholder rights within the meaning of Art. 367h para. 1 items 1 and 4 PGR which are based on participation in corporations in which the company has invested within the scope of asset management mandates. In particular, no rights related to the general meetings of stock corporations are exercised. The right to a share in profits and to subscription rights are pursued in consultation with the clients.
- The monitoring of important matters of the corporations within the meaning of Art. 367h para. 1 item 2 PGR is carried out by taking note of the legally required reporting of the corporations in financial reports as well as ad hoc announcements.
- There is no exchange of opinions with the corporate bodies and stakeholders of the corporations within the meaning of Art. 367h para. 1 item 3 PGR.
- There is no cooperation with other shareholders or other relevant stakeholders of the corporation within the meaning of Art. 367h para. 1 items 5 and 6 PGR.
- In the event of conflicts of interest within the meaning of Art. 367h para. 1 item 7 PGR, a disclosure is made to the parties concerned in accordance with the statutory provisions and a clarification of the further course of action with them is provided.
- An annual publication of the implementation of the participation policy within the meaning of Art. 367h para. 2 PGR does not take place, because no corresponding exercise of rights is carried out.
- A publication of the voting behavior in the sense of Art. 367h para. 2 PGR does not take place, because there is no participation in votes.
Copyright notice
All contents of this website (pictures, photos, texts, videos) are subject to the copyright of the Federal Republic of Germany. Please consult us before you distribute, reproduce or exploit the content of this website, such as republishing it on other websites. If necessary, we will legally pursue the unauthorized use of parts of the content of our site.
If you find any content on this website that infringes copyright, please contact us.
Gender Disclaimer:
For the sole purpose of better readability, the gender-specific notation is omitted. All personal designations on the website (and all integrated documents) are therefore to be understood as gender-neutral.